You simply can’t read another word. Your eyes have had it. They’re tired, dry, and sore.You’re suffering from eyestrain.
There are numerous causes of eyestrain-from stress to astigmatism to jaw disorders. “Most people have a tiny bit of astigmatism and do not even know they have it,” says Andrew S. Farber, M.D., F.A.C.S., an ophthalmologist in private practice in Terre Haute, Indiana. “But it may show itself as eyestrain.” Astigmatism is a defect in vision caused by an abnormal curvature of the cornea or lens of the eye, both of which help the eye to focus an image, it can usually be corrected with eyeglasses or contact lenses.
Tension in the neck and back muscles-from sitting at a computer all day, for instance-can also cause the eyes to tire.
Numerous diseases may show themselves as eyestrain. Glaucoma, a condition in which pressure within the eye becomes elevated, is one such condition. Even diseases not directly related to the eye may show up as eyestrain. In rare instances, the jaw disorder called temporo-mandibular joint syndrome, or TMJ, which causes facial pain, can lead to aching eyes.
One of the reasons eyestrain is so common is that the lens in the eye gradually loses some of its ability to change shape-and thus focus an image clearly-as we age. This condition, referred to as presbyopia, becomes most pronounced after age 40. It affects the eye’s ability to focus on an image up close, which is why older individuals often need to hold reading material at arm’s length.
Because there are so many causes of eyestrain, it’s best to consult an eye-care professional for a complete diagnosis if you’ve been suffering from eyestrain for a month or more or if it seems to have become more frequent or bothersome, advises Henry D. Perry, M.D., clinical associate professor of ophthalmology at Cornell Medical College in New York. An eye examination should be performed once a year, especially for people 35 years of age and older and for anyone with a family history of glaucoma or diabetes.In the meantime, here are some ways to ease the strain on your eyes.
Make the light right. “Working in dim or harsh light won’t harm the eyes, but it may be more demanding,” says Farber. Too much light can result in too much glare, while too little light may simply make it too difficult to read or see clearly, says Farber. Try to keep the lighting at a comfortable level-not too dark or too bright.
Try indirect lighting. Fixtures that face upward, allowing their light to bounce off a ceiling or wall, create a comfortable, diffusely lighted environment that’s not as hard on the eyes as lights that shine down directly on you.
Buy a pair of reading glasses. Especially for those over 40 years of age, reading glasses may do the trick by magnifying the printed page and other close work. Reading glasses can be purchased without a prescription in drug stores and pharmacies, you simply try on several pairs until you find the magnification that provides you with the sharpest vision.
Get glare-busting glasses. Prescription lenses made with polarized ultraviolet (UV) filters reduce glare by filtering out certain wavelengths of light. These can be especially good for computer users.
Take a break. Whether you’re reading, writing, sewing, or tapping away on a computer, it’s a good idea to take a break from such close work or switch to a task that isn’t so visually demanding for a few minutes each hour, says Farber. Take a walk, make a phone call, talk to someone, focus on objects at a distance, or just close your eyes. Taking a break will give your neck and shoulders, as well as your eyes, a rest, tenseness in these areas can aggravate eyestrain.
Try a saltwater soak. Perry recommends adding half a teaspoon of salt to a quart of warm water. Then, moisten cotton balls in the water, close your eyes, and place the cotton balls on your eyelids for about ten minutes.
Try a cool-water splash. For some people, splashing the face with cool water or laying a cool, damp towel across the eyes helps relieve eyestrain. If nothing else, it provides a break for overworked eyes.
Think to blink. Dry eyes can result from tasks such as continuous reading or computer use. “The eyes blink less frequently, so they’re not getting as lubricated as they should,” explains Arnold Prywes, M.D., an assistant clinical professor of ophthalmology at the Albert Einstein Medical College in New York and chief of ophthalmology at Mid-Island Hospital in Bethpage, New York. When you’re doing close work or concentrating on a computer screen for long hours, remember to blink frequently.
Know your drops. Eye drops that decrease redness are not meant to be used for eyestrain, says Farber. Besides, the drops remove the redness by constricting the blood vessels in the eyes, and repeated use will actually have a rebound effect and make the eyes redder in the long run. On the other hand, if you know you’re suffering from a case of dry eye, a drop or two of an over-the counter eye lubricant, commonly referred to as artificial tears, may give you relief.
Buy a plant. Increasing the humidity in your home or office can help a case of dry eyes. Using a humidifier is an obvious way to do this. But setting a pot of water on your home radiator can also increase the humidity level in your home. Potted plants in your home or office can also act as inexpensive-and attractive-humidifiers.
Clear the air. Cigarette smoke can irritate the eyes and make them sore. So give your eyes a break and put out that cigarette for good.
Tagged under: aching eyes, Ear Problems, eye care professional, eye examination, eye problems, Eyes Disorders, temporo mandibular joint syndrome tmj
Filed under: Eyes Disorders