Athletes Foot - Curing Athlete’s Foot Fast
Athletes Foot - Treatment for Curing Athletes Foot
Blame the advertising man who misnamed it in the 1930s, but athlete’s foot has nothing to do with athletes. It’s a fungal infection of the feet. Also known as tinea pedis, or “ringworm of the feet,” it has nothing to do with worms either. The Trichophyton fungus that causes the redness, itching, cracking, and scaling of athlete’s foot can also infect the scalp, where it causes hair loss and scaly patches; the body, where it causes round, red, scaly patches that itch; and the groin, where the socalled “jock itch” causes itching and thickening of the skin.
Athlete’s foot is the most common fungal infection of the skin. It affects more men than women, probably because men typically wear heavy, often airtight shoes, and the fungus loves hot, dark, moist environments.
Contrary to popular myth, athlete’s foot fungus isn’t just found in locker rooms, although the moist locker-room environment is perfect for fungal growth. “The fungus is probably present in your bathroom and in your shoes all the time,” says Andrew Schink, D.P.M., a podiatrist in private practice and past president of the Oregon Podiatric Medical Association.
Frank Parker, M.D., professor and chairman of the Department of Dermatology at Oregon Health Sciences University in Portland agrees. “There’s no good way to avoid exposure to the athlete’s foot fungus,” he says, “because it’s everywhere where there’s moisture.”
In fact, most people harbor the fungus on their skin, but it’s kept in check by bacteria that live on the skin. So if the fungus is commonly present, why do some people develop an athlete’s foot infection, while other people don’t? Doctors aren’t really sure, but they believe some people are genetically more prone to developing athlete’s foot, and people with certain health conditions, such as eczema, asthma, and hay fever, have more difficulty getting rid of the infection. “Some people are simply more susceptible to getting it than I others,” explains James Shaw, M.D.,chief of the Division of Dermatology at Good Samaritan Hospital and Medical Center in Portland, Oregon. “Some people have chronic athlete’s foot problems and others are never bothered by it. It may have to do with genetic factors or with exposure-being in places where there are numerous feet in moist environments. ”
Most cases of athlete’s foot cause only bothersome redness, itching, flaking, and scaling on the soles of the feet and between the toes. In severe cases, however, blisters form on the soles of the feet; fissures, or cracks, that weep fluid can also open between the toes. These fissures are vulnerable to secondary infection. When the infection involves the toenails, it can cause the nails to become discolored and thick. Also, if left untreated, athlete’s foot can infect other parts of the body.
Doctors don’t agree on exactly how athlete’s foot is spread, but most believe it’s passed by direct contact with an infected person or with a contaminated surface, such as the floor of a shower stall. But Shaw says the real determinants of whether or not you’ll get the infection are how susceptible you are and how dry you keep your feet.
While some severe cases of athlete’s foot require a doctor’s care, most can be effectively treated at home. The following strategies can help you soothe and heal athlete’s foot and keep it from cropping up in the future.
Move away from moisture. When you think about athlete’s foot fungus, remember that it likes moist, warm, dark environments. All of your treatment and prevention strategies should center around keeping your feet as dry as possible.
Dry between your toes. “Don’t just use your damp bath towel to dry between your toes,” says Schink. “Use a thin, dry hand towel and thoroughly dry between each toe.” If you can’t get your feet dry enough with a towel, try drying them with a handheld hair dryer on the “warm” setting.
Wash those feet. Twice a day, wash your feet in soap and water, and dry them thoroughly, says Shaw.
Kick off your shoes. Go barefoot or wear opentoed sandals whenever you can. “Going barefoot is good for the feet and great for treating and preventing athlete’s foot,” says Schink.
Of course, it’s not always possible to go barefoot, especially at work. But you may be able to sneak off those shoes during lunch, at break time, or when you’re sitting at your desk.
Medicate ‘em. Over-the-counter antifungal preparations are very effective for most cases of athlete’s foot, says Parker. These products come in creams, sprays, or solutions and contain tolnaftate (Tinactin), miconazole (Micatin), or undecylenic acid (Desenex). Creams seem to be more effective, but powders can help absorb moisture. Parker recommends washing and drying the feet, then applying the medication thoroughly twice a day.
“Experiment. If one product doesn’t work, try another. Different products seem to work better for different people,” says Margaret Robertson, M.D., a board-certified dermatologist in private practice and a staff physician at St. Vincent Hospital and Medical Center in Portland, Oregon.
Be persistent. Too often, people stop using the antifungal preparations as soon as the symptoms of athlete’s foot infection go away. The fungus, however, may still be present. “Fungus is slowdividing,” Robertson explains. “You have to be persistent and use the medication for three to six weeks to see improvement.” Once the infection hascleared, keep using the antifungal cream, powder, or lotion once a day or once a week-whatever keeps your feet fungus-free.
Make tea for toes. To help dry out the infection and ease the itching that accompanies athlete’s foot, Schink advises soaking your feet in a quart of warm water containing six black tea bags. “The tannic acid in the tea is very soothing and helps kill the fungus,” he says.
Soak them in Betadine. If the infection has caused redness and cracks between the toes, the fungal infection may be compounded by a bacterial infection. Robertson suggests soaking your feet once a day for 20 minutes in two capfuls of Betadine (available over-the-counter at pharmacies) to one quart of warm water. After the Betadine soak, dry your feet well, and apply antifungal medication.
Don’t bleach. While the idea is to dry out the infection, avoid home remedies that involve strong chemicals and solvents, such as bleach, alcohol, and floor cleaners. “Many people are tempted to use what’s at hand to treat their problem,” says Shaw. “But harsh chemicals won’t necessarily kil the fungus, and they can really damage your skin.
Tan your tootsies. Ultraviolet light can help dry 1 the infection and kill active fungus on your skin. Kick off those shoes and let the sun shine on your feet for a little while. Avoid extensive sun exposure however, since it can promote wrinkling and skin cancer. Be careful not to burn the tops of your ft or your dogs will really have something to bark about.
Treat your shoes. If you have fungus on your feet you’ve got fungus in your shoes. To keep from reinfecting yourself every time you put your shoes, Schink recommends treating your shoes with Lysol spray or an antifungal spray or powder every time you take off your shoes.
Air ‘em out. On sunny days, Schink advises taking the laces out of your shoes, pulling up their tongues, and setting them in a sunny, wellventilated place. The heat and sunshine will help dry out the shoes, eliminate odors, and kill the fungus.
Alternate shoes. Switch shoes at least every other day, advises Schink. Wear one pair for a day, while you treat the other pair with sunlight and an antifungal spray or powder.
Some people’s feet are simply more prone to sweating, according to Robertson. If you’re one of those “sweaty feet types,” you may have to change your shoes a couple of times a day to keep your feet dry.
Choose shoes with care. When you have to wear shoes, opt for sandals or other opened-toed shoes, if possible. “Choose shoes that don’t make your feet sweat,” says Robertson. Avoid shoes made of plastic or rubber or shoes that are watertight. These shoes trap perspiration and create the warm, moist conditions perfect for growing a new crop of fungus. When you must wear closed-toed shoes, opt for natural, “breathable” materials like leather.
Exercise your sock options. Socks made of natural fibers, such as cotton and wool, help to absorb perspiration and keep the feet dry. However, recent research suggests that acrylic socks may do an even better job of keeping the feet dry by wicking moisture away from the feet. So what kind of sock should you choose? Try a pair of natural-fiber socks and a pair of acrylic, and see which one keeps your feet drier and more comfortable.
If your feet naturally sweat a lot or if you’re participating in activities like sports that make your feet sweat more than usual, change your socks two or three times a day.
Wear thongs. When you’re in a public place likely to harbor athlete’s foot fungus, like the locker room of your favorite gym, wear thongs to limit your exposure to fungus, says Shaw. Although this technique isn’t foolproof, it will decrease your risk of athlete’s foot, and it may prevent you from picking up other nasty foot maladies, such as plantar warts.
Tagged under: athletes foot, athletes foot cure , athletes foot fungus, athletes foot remedies, athletes foot treatment, foot fungus, ringworm, scaly patches, Skin Disorders tinea pedis
Filed under: Skin Disorders